United States Federal Government Honors Bangladesh-born Subir Chowdhury With 'outstanding American B

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30th April 2009, 02:10pm - Views: 911

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United States Federal Government Honors Bangladesh-Born Subir Chowdhury with

‘Outstanding American by Choice Award’

BINGHAM FARMS, Mich., Apr. 30 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Subir Chowdhury, Chairman and CEO of ASI Consulting Group, LLC, based in Michigan,

USA was presented the ‘Outstanding American by Choice Award’ by the USCIS in recognition

of his work and contributions to the United States. Presentation of the award took place

Wednesday, April 29, 2009, during a special naturalization ceremony at the new location of the

USCIS Detroit District Offices. USCIS Acting Deputy Director, Michael Aytes presented the


    Subir Chowdhury is the first resident of Michigan to ever receive this award. The honorable

Governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm and the honorable Lt. Governor John Cherry, Jr.

congratulated Chowdhury with a Certificate of Tribute and stated “Chowdhury is a fine example

of the American dream”. 

    The ‘Outstanding American by Choice Award’ was created by the USCIS to recognize the

outstanding achievements of naturalized U.S. citizens. As part of the Department of Homeland

Security, USCIS carries out federal immigration polices, including the naturalization services.

    Recipients of the award display exceptional accomplishments through professional

achievements and leadership, civic participation, responsible citizenship, and demonstrate

outstanding commitment to the United States while embodying the values and ideals that are

inherent to this country, and within each of its citizens.

    Past recipients include: Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize winner and author; Indra K. Nooyi,

CEO of PepsiCo; John Shalikashvili, Former General and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,

United States Army; and The Honorable Carlos M. Gutierrez, Former Secretary, U.S.

Department of Commerce. 

    Chowdhury, in an extraordinarily personal and inspirational acceptance speech recounted his

actual experiences in becoming a U.S. citizen and conveyed his deep gratitude and respect to

the nation. “America and its people have provided me the opportunities to fulfill my dreams”. 

Chowdhury is truly honored by this recognition.

    Immigrants who had just taken their oath of citizenship were present to hear Chowdhury

impress upon them that Americans must concentrate on ‘Quality’ in everything they do. He

emphasized the importance of making the world a better place through accountability, integrity

and passion of the individual. “Believe in yourself, and believe in your dream.. and you can

make it happen anywhere. The opportunities are limitless.” 

    About Subir Chowdhury. Recognized as one of the most influential quality and leadership

gurus in the world, Subir Chowdhury was born in Chittagong, Bangladesh in 1967. He left his

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family in 1991 to come to the United States and eventually settled in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan.

Chowdhury became a naturalized citizen in 2004. Chowdhury has been hailed by The New York

Times as a “leading Quality expert,” and by Business Week as “the Quality Prophet.” He is the

author of 12 books, including international bestsellers, The Power of Six Sigma, Design For Six

Sigma (DFSS), and Management 21C. His most recent business book, The Ice Cream Maker

(Doubleday of Random House), was recognized and distributed to each of the Honorable

Members of the Senate and House of Representatives. 

    Chowdhury has received numerous international awards for leadership in quality

management. He is an honorary member of the World Innovation Foundation (WIF). He has

been honored with the Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) Gold Medal, the Society of

Automotive Engineers (SAE) Henry Ford Award, and has been inducted into the Hall of Fame

for Engineering, Science and Technology, as well as the Automotive Hall of Fame. 

    Chowdhury holds an undergraduate degree in aerospace engineering from the Indian

Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India, a graduate degree in industrial management

from Central Michigan University (CMU), and an honorary doctorate in engineering from the

Michigan Technological University (MTU). In 2006, Chowdhury and his wife Malini created a

foundation whose mission is to “bring education and love to a child’s life.” The foundation strives

to improve the quality of life for individuals and provide a visible and positive impact on

communities. The foundation also supports many other programs focusing on education, health,

and the arts. 

    For more information, please visit www.asiusa.com and www.subirchowdhury.com 

    Available Topic Expert(s): For information on the listed expert(s), click appropriate link.

    CONTACT: For Media Interviews, photo available upon request, Robert MacLeod, ASI

Consulting Group, LLC, +1-248-530-1395 ext: 213, robert.macleod@asiusa.com

SOURCE: ASI Consulting Group, LLC

    CONTACT: For Media Interviews, photo available upon request

             Robert MacLeod

             ASI Consulting Group, LLC

             +1-248-530-1395 ext: 213


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