Yota Deployed Mobile Wimax In Nicaragua In Record-breaking Time

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16th December 2009, 11:23am - Views: 1108

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Yota Deployed Mobile WiMAX in Nicaragua in Record-breaking Time

MANAGUA, Dec. 16 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

    Russia's Yota, the mobile services developer and provider and one of the 

world's leaders in Mobile WiMAX (4G) technology, has announced the test run

of the mobile broadband 4th-generation Internet access network in Managua, 

the capital of Nicaragua. The Yota network was rolled out in record 

time - in three months since the beginning of construction. 

    During the press conference attended by representatives of WiMAX Forum, 

Intel and Samsung, the strategic partners of Yota, journalists were told 

about the project and its perspectives in details.

    Ricardo Olarte, Northern Cone General Manager of Intel, said that "the 

broadband penetration in Latin America is very low, and is the reason 

why the initiative taken by Nicaragua will allow a significant leap in the 

adoption of new technologies placing the country at the forefront and 

generating a positive effect in people and businesses to improve the 

competitiveness ofit". 

    In July 2009, the public international tender for 2.5-2.7 GHz spectrum 

was announced in order to provide the whole territory of Nicaragua with 

communications services based upon the Mobile WiMAX standard. Yota became the

winner of the tender. "The implementation of this project, which is basically 

a rapid transition from dial-up and scarce fixed-line communications to 4G

technology, will pave the way in a very short time for achieving meaningful 

social effects in Nicaragua," said Dr. Mo Shakouri, Vice President and board 

member of WiMAX Forum. 

    Yota will start to operation in Nicaragua with its wireless broadband 

Internet access service. Later the company plans to increase the number of

services and to concentrate on the high-quality voice services demanded in

the market. 

   "The record time of deployment of the network in Nicaragua shows that 

Yota has accumulated the strong expertise and has created the proven network 

infrastructure based on Samsung equipment. All these issues allow Yota to 

deployment networks in any country in the world extremely fast," - 

commented Doctor Song, Samsung Electronics 

    Yota services, developed during Yota's Russian project, and several types 

of end-user equipment will be available to subscribers, both to end-users and

companies: USB modems, routers. The stationary VoIP device developed 

specially for Nicaragua, as well as the line of inexpensive netbooks with 

embedded Intel(R) WiMAX/WiFi module from the world's leading producers will 

be launched in the market of the country. 

    These devices are scheduled for sale next spring when everyone will be allowed free use of the Yota

services before commercial use of the 

network begins in mid-2010. 

    "We see great potential in our project in Nicaragua. The demand for 

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communications services in this country is enormous. According to recent 

studies, the country cries out for telephony and for at least 300,000 new 

Internet connections, - says Yegor Ivanov, the vice president of business 

development at Yota. - Aside from Nicaragua, Yota includes Latin America, the

CIS, as well as a series of countries in Asia and Africa, a total of 75 

nations, into its global expansion plan. Currently, Yota manages more than 

USD 500mn of investment funds allocated for the international expansion in

2009. The company plans to raise the volume of investments to USD 1.5bn by

the end of 2010." 

    About Yota 

    Yota is the developer and supplier of innovative mobile services. Yota is 

one of the world's leaders in 4G technologies development and networks 

deployment. The company provides fast mobile Internet access and a set of 

services based upon its network. 

    Yota has begun providing commercial 4G network service in Russia since 

June 2009, and reached the break-even point this October, less than in five 

months. In the first half of October, the subscriber base of the company 

surpassed 200,000 active users at a rate of 2,500 new clients a day. 

    Yota offers a set of unique mobile services that utilize the capabilities 

of the fast wireless Internet access: VoIP, mobile television, video content 

delivery, access to the music catalog with hundreds of thousands of records 

from world's leading record labels and many others. 

    Yota is a member of the international WiMAX Forum association which 

comprises the world-leading 4G technology vendors and service providers. 


    Contacts for the media: 

    Natalya Tsarevskaya-Dyakina 

    Yota, PR director 



    SOURCE: Yota

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