An Australian First: Telstra, Nab And Visa Implement 'contactless Mobile Payments' Trial

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27th August 2008, 12:08pm - Views: 1059

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Media Release 

An Australian first: Telstra, NAB and Visa implement 

‘Contactless Mobile Payments’ trial

In an exciting Australian first, Telstra, NAB and Visa today launched a contactless, mobile

phone payments trial with a group of consumers and participating merchants at Melbourne’s


This cutting edge technology allows consumers participating in the trial to remotely download

their NAB Visa credit card software application onto their Telstra mobile phone SIM card,

enabling them to purchase goods and services by waving their mobile phone over a

participating NAB merchant’s reader.  

Consumers will find Contactless Mobile Payments to be a convenient and easy replacement

for cash, ideal for fast, simple, low value transactions under $35 such as buying a coffee,

lunch or a magazine. Compared to cash, payment via a Contactless mobile phone provides

enhanced transaction security, along with the ability to have the payment application quickly

deactivated should the consumer lose their phone.

Telstra Group Managing Director Enterprise and Government, Mr David Thodey, said as a

part of our wider engagement, Telstra is providing unique leading-edge mobile payment

technology to deliver this ground breaking trial. This 'Australian-first' is another demonstration

of Telstra’s commitment to offering world-class experiences and greater choice to our

customers. In the future we may be able to provide even greater convenience and choice to

our customers by giving them the ability to selectively add cards or accounts to their mobile

phone when they choose.

NAB Chief Operating Officer, Retail Banking Ms Lisa Gray, said

customers will benefit from

the speed and simplicity of using contactless mobile payments. 

“Our customers will be able to walk in to a store, select goods to purchase, wave their phone

over the reader, see the transaction approved immediately and leave without having to open

their wallet.  In addition, NAB merchants availing of this new payment option can benefit from

the faster transaction times and reduced need for cash handling,” Ms Gray said.

Visa’s General Manager, Australia and New Zealand, Mr Chris Clark, said consumers were

already using their mobile phones for music, messaging and high-speed Internet access, and

a payment application was a logical next step.

“Mobile phones are one of the most promising new forms of payment in the world today.

Research indicates that contactless mobile payments are two to three times faster than an

average cash transaction¹.  As the technology evolves, we expect it will be possible for

consumers to use their mobile phones to download electronic coupons tailored to their

interests, monitor their accounts, make mobile Internet payments and access other

applications that provide a compelling customer experience. We are very positive about the

opportunities,” Mr Clark said. 

The trial, involving 200 participants and 12 merchants in the Docklands area of Melbourne,

will run over the coming months and will enable

Telstra, NAB and Visa to assess Australian

consumers’ and retailers’ reaction to this innovative payment option.    


Telstra Media Contact:       NAB Media Contact:       Visa Media Contact:

Martin Barr                            Anthony Wheaton            Judy Shaw

Ph: 0418 101 127                  Ph: 0448 818 528            Ph: 0418 415 965



“Visa Smart Card Deployment Study in Taiwan and Malaysia” conducted by Deloitte in 2006.

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