Chisholm Institute The people who skill people
Media Release
Wednesday, November 4 2009
For immediate release
Cartoon caper wins top award
A cartoon featuring a love-struck cordial bottle has won first prize for a Berwick resident at the IT
Challenge Competition Awards last week.
Debbie Nield, 37, who is about to complete a Certificate IV dual award in IT (Multimedia and
Websites) at Chisholm Institute Cranbourne, won the top award in the Flash Animated Narrative
category for Colin the Cordial Bottle.
Im a primary school teacher and wanted to put together an animation that would appeal to young
children, to teach them about the environment, Nield said.
The two-minute cartoon is set in a family kitchen and centres on the friendship between Rita the
packet of crackers and Colin the cordial bottle. When Rita disappears to parts unknown, Colin gives
chase, eventually discovering Rita in a recycling bin.
Design and graphics were kept simple so children could make their own versions of the characters
from empty containers, creating their own stories.
Environmental issues are a great subject for schools, so I was looking for a way to introduce it to
young children in an entertaining way, Nield said, Because Im not a very good drawer, animation
was the ideal format!
Nield was one of six Chisholm Institute students to be honoured at the Awards. John Bell and
Hamid Jabbar won first place in the Database and 3D Maya/Max categories respectively. Brigitte
Wessel, Shane Boorer and Patrick Williams also shared in the awards.
The IT Challenge Competition is a multiple category competition for High School and TAFE
students in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania. The Competition Awards are sponsored by
Monash University and were presented at the International Digital Entertainment Festival, held at the
Royal Exhibition Building in Melbourne last week.
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Nat Tunbridge
Client Co ordinator
Marketing and Corporate Communication
Chisholm Institute
Ph: 9238 8307