John Pilger To Break Australian Silence

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2nd November 2009, 01:24pm - Views: 1163

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Media Alert Monday 2 November

John Pilger to break Australian


The world renowned journalist, author and film-maker John Pilger will be awarded the 2009

Sydney Peace Prize at a gala dinner this week on Wednesday 4 November.

The following night, Thursday 5 November, at the Concert Hall of the Sydney Opera House, he

will deliver the 2009 City of Sydney Prize Lecture: Breaking the Australian Silence.

Sydney Peace Foundation Director Professor Stuart Rees comments: “John Pilger arrives in the

middle of the demeaning debate in Canberra about the Tamil asylum seekers, so it’s opportune

that he’s here. John Pilger will show that the claims about the threat from illegal migrants are

false, that the war on terror is a hoax against humanity and that the massive increase in

Australia’s military spending fosters the illusion that people’s ‘security’ depends on massive

military expenditure. 

“Since announcing John Pilger as this year’s Sydney Peace Prize recipient we’ve been inundated

with messages of thanks from people who applaud his courage in speaking out while others are


“From his work uncovering undue secrecy about wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, to his consistent

efforts to show the realities of the decades of the Israeli Palestinian conflict, to his film Year

Zero: the Silent Death of Cambodia, depicting the horrors faced by the Khmer people under the

Pol Pot regime, John’s career has been marked by risk taking, courage and using his superb

investigative skills to break silences around the world.”   

The Sydney Peace Prize is Australia’s only international prize for peace. Previous recipients

include Nobel recipients Professor Muhammad Yunus and Archbishop Desmond Tutu, former

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, Indian author and human rights

campaigner Arundhati Roy and, last year, the Aboriginal leader and ‘father of reconciliation’

Patrick Dodson.

John Pilger will be available for interview. For more information, contact Kath Kenny,

University of Sydney Media Office, 02 9351 2261 or 0434 606 100

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