Journalists Hit The Bottle And Sources Overflow

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14th October 2009, 02:36pm - Views: 1137

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Journalists hit the bottle and ‘sources’ overflow

Journalists continue to ‘hit SourceBottle up’ for new sources because the service is free, simple-to-

use and highly effective.

Since its launch just three months ago, the service has broadcast ‘calls outs’ for sources from

journalists on behalf of a diverse range of media outlets, including: A Current Affair; Sydney

Morning Herald; AdNews; Money magazine; The Australian; The Weekend Australian;

Australian Creative magazine; Dynamic Export; SmartCompany; Cosmopolitan magazine;

CLEO magazine; Madison magazine; Sunday Telegraph; Dynamic Business magazine; The

New York Times; Readers Digest;; Pregnancy and Parenting; The Advertiser;

Nett Magazine and Parenting Australia.

SourceBottle founder Rebecca Derrington said she was delighted so many journalists were finding

the service useful and that this had helped “drive up” subscriptions.

“We’ve had great feedback, and it’s likely to get even better since the number of subscribers

signing up to the service is growing at an average rate of close to 10 percent a week.

"This means the range and depth of expertise and experience that journalists can access through

SourceBottle is growing too, so they can expect an even better response to their call outs.

“We’ve deliberately kept the service free for journalists and subscribers to improve the likelihood

that our subscribers will have the requisite expertise or experience to respond to all call outs, and

to reduce the risk that journalists will continually receive responses from the same subscribers – a

concern for some.

“As a result of this conscious choice, our database of potential sources is large, highly diverse and

dispersed throughout Australasia,” she said. 

Some examples of recent call outs: 

Looking for experts to help with an article on reasons why small businesses fail in the first year

and ways to prevent this (Dynamic Business)

Looking for single women who got fit and healthy after a relationship break-up (Cosmpolitan)

The beauty foods, or nutricosmetics, trend is growing OS. Has it hit our shores yet? (Body &

Soul, News Limited)

Looking for case studies for a story on the impact of ill health on finances (Sunday Telegraph)

Looking for a senior corporate figure to discuss corporate culture (The Weekend Australian)

Eco road trips in Victoria (NY Times, International Herald Tribune, Sunday Times)

Looking for references on looking great on a budget (Fashion Weekly)

Seeking opinions of CIOs, CTOs and IT Managers (CIO Magazine)

Looking for parents of different religious backgrounds bringing up a child under 5 (My Child)

Women aged between 18-35 with great jobs wanted! (CLEO magazine)

Need an expert for a feature on young children STARTING SLEEPOVERS (National

parenting magazine)

Subscribers are emailed ‘Drink Up’ alerts with details of each source call out at 10am and 2pm

each business day. Queries are also “blasted” on Twitter via @SourceBottle

Journalists and bloggers can post an ‘open’ or ‘anonymous’ query (although open queries get the

best responses) and can have a subscriber blacklisted immediately for spamming.

For more information: Rebecca Derrington 0408 062 354 or 03 93263196

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