New Radio Services For The Bunbury Region Of Western Australia

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26th October 2010, 07:44pm - Views: 1197

ACMA Media Release

136 /2010

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26 October 2010

New radio services for the Bunbury region of

Western Australia

The Australian Communications and Media Authority has made frequencies

available in the Bunbury and Busselton areas of Western Australia for: 

the introduction of the ABC radio service NewsRadio at Busselton;

new translators at Augusta (101.5 MHz), Collie and Margaret River (96.7

MHz and 100.3 MHz  respectively) for the commercial radio broadcasting

services 6TZ and 6BUN Bunbury;

two new community radio broadcasting services at Augusta and Harvey (on

FM 96.5 MHz and 97.1 MHz respectively); and 

a new high power open narrowcasting service at Collie (on 1593 kHz). 

The ACMA has also changed the category of service of a planned (but unallocated)

community radio broadcasting service at Bunbury to a high powered open

narrowcasting service. This service is planned to operate on 85 kHz.

‘The ACMA endorses a diverse range of radio services to regional Australia,’ said

ACMA Chairman, Chris Chapman. ‘The addition of new radio services will

significantly increase the availability of information and entertainment to the people

of the Bunbury region.’ 

The new high-powered open narrowcasting services at Collie and Bunbury will be

auctioned to the highest bidder. 

The Augusta and Harvey community radio services are expected to be allocated on

merit following calls for applications. 

The variation to the Bunbury licence area plan and other related documents are

available on the ACMA web site or by calling 1300 850 115. 

More information on licence area plans and open narrowcasting services can also

be found at the ACMA website. 

For more information or to arrange an interview please contact: Donald

Robertson, Media Manager, on (02) 9334 7980, 0418 86 1766 or

The ACMA is Australia’s regulator for broadcasting, the internet, radiocommunications and

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