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New research website links media expertise

The new RMIT Media Research Portal is a web site that collects and connects the

research undertaken by staff within the RMIT Media program. The portal has been

designed to promote, connect and grow research among staff.  It links research

projects and outputs together under tags that allow other scholars to see where

they might connect with the team. This profiles the research of the team, while also

collecting and aligning areas of expertise.

Media and cinema studies staff engage in a wide variety of research, individually

and collaboratively, within the broad disciplinary fields of media and

communications. This research is grouped on the portal under the following

themes:  cinema studies, cultural studies, media production, media pedagogy, and

new media.

Within these themes, activities include practice-based research projects,

interdisciplinary collaborations, interactive archive projects, media industry

projects, curriculum explorations, and explorations of memory and culture; as well

as more traditional humanities publishing and writing.

Victorian Chair of the Australian Writers Guild, Mark Poole, said:  “The Media

Research Portal initiative illustrates not just the ways in which RMIT is connecting

with industry but also leading it, and finding new ways of using media both

expressively and for industry relevant research.

“Visitors to the portal will be able to understand how creative practice, such as

writing or filmmaking, can be conceived as research, and to see a broad range of

approaches and investigations from interesting uses of technologies such as

mobile phones, blogs or on-line hypertext writing, through to investigations into the

direct benefit to industry of cultural activities such as festivals and awards,” he said.

The Media Research Portal will be launched at 12.30pm on Wednesday May 20,

2009 at RMIT City Campus by the Pro Vice-Chancellor of the College of Design

and Social Context, Professor Colin Fudge.


RMIT Media Research Portal launch


Wednesday May 20, 12.30pm


RMIT University City campus, Room 33, Level 1, Building 9, corner

Bowen and Franklin Streets – enter from the rear of the building


RMIT Media Program, School of Applied Communication,

RMIT University


For interviews or comment: Lisa French, Senior Lecturer, School of Applied

Communication, (03) 9925 3026 or 0407 682 314.

For general media enquiries: RMIT Senior Media and Communications

Advisor, Deborah Sippitts, (03) 9925 3116 or 0429 588 869.

19 May, 2009   

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