Prime Minister's Apology To The Forgotten Australian & Former Child Migrants

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16th November 2009, 07:24pm - Views: 986

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16th November, 2009



For immediate release                                                                                           

Prime Minister’s national ‘Apology’ delivered

today to the Forgotten Children and Former

Child Migrants. 

Today, Prime Minister Rudd today made his ‘Sorry’ speech from Australia to

the ‘Forgotten Children and Former Child Migrants’.  This is a critical first

step towards healing for the long-suffering victims of the greatest childcare

disaster in Australia’s history.

Hawkins, himself a ‘forced migrant child’ from Britain tells in his book about

the crimes against humanity that were committed by both British and

Australian government authorities and social workers at Australia House in

London and how they were engaged in criminal neglect in the frenzy to get

British children to fill Australian orphanages, fast.

John Hawkins’ book, ‘The Bush Orphanage’, contains the most compiled and

documented history surrounding this disaster that has ever been presented.  

There is no documentation to be found in Britain that reveals the appalling

actions undertaken by the two governments.  The author however during his

many years of research, legally obtained evidence that was probably never

meant to see the light of day again, and reveals how both governments

shirked their legal and moral responsibility for the lives of these little


Contact John Hawkins: P: 08 9245 5778     E:

To receive a copy of John Hawkins’ book for review purposes, please contact.

Jo Costello - T

: 03 9681 7275              

M: 0438 119 916       E:  

To interview the author, please contact:

Liz Copping



03 9699 1041              


: 0400 699 104        


Other enquiries please contact:

Barry Dorr T: 03 9681 7276         M: 0438 119 916    E:

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