Renewal Of National Visits Media Card

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10th December 2009, 05:19pm - Views: 2765

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10 December 2009 

Dear Editor/ Bureau Chief/ NVMC Holder, 

Renewal of National Visits Media Card - December 2009


The current National Visits Media Cards are due to expire as of 31 December 2009. Applications

for new 2010/2011 National Visit Media Cards are now available on the Attorney-General’s

website (typing in NVMC in the search engine). Could you please advise your staff

of the need to renew these cards. 

A National Visits Media Card (NVMC) identifies the holder as a person with a legitimate media

interest in the visits of foreign dignitaries. The card does not automatically entitle the holder to any

special consideration or close proximity to visiting dignitaries or associated events. The NVMC has

been introduced to cater for visits of foreign dignitaries where a higher level of security is required.

Applicants for the NVMC must undergo identity checking, be certified by a registered media

organisation as being a person assigned to report on visits to Australia by foreign dignitaries and

pay an administrative fee of $30 for the card. The NVMC is valid for a maximum of two years,

provided employment is still current as per original application.

Please direct any questions to the writer

Yours sincerely

Vanessa Corbett

NVMC Officer

Security Coordination Branch 

Telephone: (02) 6141 3775


(02) 6141 3997


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