Social Researcher To Launch Book On The New Generations

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15th December 2009, 07:03pm - Views: 910

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            Social researcher releases book about the generations


15th December, 2009




Sydney-based social researcher Mark McCrindle will tomorrow launch his new book

on the generations entitled ‘The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global


Based on more than a decade of internationally renowned research, the book is

designed for educators, business leaders and parents who want a better

understanding of the diverse, global generations, and how to best engage with them.

‘The ABC of XYZ’ has been described as the definitive book on the generations, and

it is the first book to look at all three younger generations in depth.

No book since Hugh Mackay’s ‘Generations’, published in 1997, has looked at more

than one generation in detail.

“There has never been a time of greater generational transition than right now,” said

author and social researcher Mark McCrindle. 

“Next month the Baby Boomers begin turning 64, the oldest Xers enter their mid-life,

the Y’s turn 30 and begin their peak childbirth years, the Z’s continue through their

teen years and Generation Alpha begin being born”.

The launch of ‘The ABC of XYZ’ will be held on:

Wednesday 16 December , 4.30pm

at Borders Bookstore in Rouse Hill Shopping Centre

Hosted by the Federal Member for Mitchell, Alex Hawke MP.  

“Australia will finish 2009 with the highest number of births ever recorded (over

300,000) and Sydney’s North-West, with the highest birth rate in Australia’s largest

city, is a very appropriate place to launch this book on the emerging generations,”

said Mr. McCrindle. 

The ABC of XYZ: Understanding the Global Generations by Mark McCrindle is

published by UNSW Press, it is 233 pages and retails for $35.

For more information on the book launch, or for review copies of the book call

(02) 8824 3422 or email Emily Wolfinger (

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