The Business of Getting Noticed -- Help for Journalists with Story Ideas
SINGAPORE, March 5 /PRNewswire-Asia-AsiaNet/ --
Journalists now have extra help in coming up with original stories every day. Readers of a
new book are being invited to think and write like a journalist before they approach the media
with their story. Rather than sending journalists copy filled with marketing hype and adjectives,
the readers of a unique new book -- written in Singapore -- will offer news agencies stories that
can easily be used as content. From Singapore to Seattle, How to Manage the Media shows
readers how to write press releases that are user-friendly for journalists.
As newsrooms around the world downsize, journalists are becoming more and more reliant
on consumers of their product to contribute story ideas. The iReport phenomenon is a case in
point. With this in mind author, former journalist and broadcaster Paul Carr has written a book
that aims to help people write and present to the media more effectively. From Singapore to
Seattle, How to Manage the Media also explains how to construct messages that can be used in
response to crisis situations. The book is designed to give its readers the confidence needed to
deal with journalists or program makers no matter what the situation.
The strategies included in From Singapore to Seattle, How to Manage the Media make
financial sense, since valuable advertising dollars can be saved if products or organisations
promoted in well-written press releases are included as content. The book also explores the
'tricks of the trade' used by journalists and offers readers formulas that can help them deal with
difficult situations involving the press.
'Singapore Boy' Hossan Leong says he'll be keeping his copy of From Singapore to Seattle,
How to Manage the Media by the phone in his office so he'll have some practical ideas on how
to deal with the press when they call. "Sometimes journalists call seeking my comments on
issues that don't concern me and often I don't know how to react. From Singapore to Seattle,
How to Manage the Media has lots of useful tips on how to talk to the press while avoiding
saying anything I regret."
To receive a copy of this exciting new book and / or to arrange an interview with the author
Paul Carr or Actor Hossan Leong call:
Tel: +65-9017-0218
SOURCE: Paul Carr Consultancy