The Best Swimsuits For Every Body
4th November 2009 -
Views: 1203
Find your perfect cossie for summer with the DOLLY swimsuit special. DOLLY’s fashion team showcase the best swimsuits for every budget and body shape.
Asianet Daily Summary - Press Releases For Tuesday 3 November, 2009
3rd November 2009 -
Views: 1462
Returning confidence across the global pharma ingredients and services sector was marked
by the buoyant CPhI Worldwide and co-located exhibitions -- ICSE, P-MEC and BioPh -- in sunny Madrid last
month (12 - 15 October).
Asianet Daily Summary - Press Releases For 2 November, 2009
2nd November 2009 -
Views: 2130
Following the success of the initial two months of the 'Best of China 2009' on-line exhibition (with 3700+ exhibitors from China and a record of 30,000 unique daily trade visitors), has just launched its second event, 'The Euro - China Partnership and Investment On-line International Trade Fair'.
John Pilger To Break Australian Silence
2nd November 2009 -
Views: 1162
The world renowned journalist, author and film-maker John Pilger will be awarded the 2009 Sydney Peace Prize at a gala dinner this week on Wednesday 4 November.
Entries Now Open For 2010 South Australian Media Awards
2nd November 2009 -
Views: 1140
In their seventh year in 2010, the awards are an initiative of the Media Entertainment and Arts Alliance in association with the prestigious Walkley Awards and are regarded as the pre-eminent awards for journalists working in South Australia.