Get Some Nuts - Gro A Mo
27th October 2009 -
Views: 1044
In a world where depilation is the new black, where smooth, silken skin is de rigueur for social acceptance and any hint of fuzz can have your peers positively bristling with outrage, you’d have to be nuts to try to get blokes to grow a moustache.
Happy Birthday To Australia's Favourite Breakfast Cereal
27th October 2009 -
Views: 1292
It is 81 years since our favourite breakfast cereal, Sanitarium Weet-Bix, was introduced to Australians. Australians buy 22 million packs every year, and Weet-Bix continues to be the pre-eminent breakfast for Australians of all ages.
New Study Finds Chewing Sugar-free Gum Can Help Lower Calorie Intake
27th October 2009 -
Views: 1104
New research from the University of Rhode Island presented at the recent Obesity Society's 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting shows the role of chewing sugar-free gum, such as Wrigley's Extra, in helping to reduce calorie intake at lunch and increase energy expenditure among individuals in a laboratory setting.
Historic Aussie Beer Hops On Wine Bandwagon
27th October 2009 -
Views: 1005
The increasing sophistication of Australian beer drinking and brewing reaches a new high today (27 October 2009) with the launch of John Boston Premium Lager.
Sydney Harbour Bridge Hosts 6,000 People For 'breakfast On The Bridge' 2
25th October 2009 -
Views: 928
For the first time in its history, Australia’s iconic Sydney Harbour Bridge closed today for 6,000 people to enjoy the ultimate picnic breakfast .