Food Beverage Press Releases & Articles 166 - 170 of 262

Acclaimed Chef To Visit Chisholm starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1035 Acclaimed Chef To Visit Chisholm Luke’s work includes, TV shows, ‘Food Safari’, ‘Heat in the Kitchen’ and is now hosting is own cooking series on SBS, called ‘Luke Nguyen’s Vietnam’. Luke has also released his new book ‘The Songs of Sapa’.

Gorilla To Become Mascot As World Vegan Day Nears starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1062 Gorilla To Become Mascot As World Vegan Day Nears The gorilla, which can weigh between 75 - 180 kilograms, lives on an herbivorous diet but is known to have upper body strength at least six times greater than that of humans.

Iga Launches Unique Christmas Club For Shoppers starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1223 Iga Launches Unique Christmas Club For Shoppers The launch of the IGA Christmas Club, aims to get an edge over its competitors, shake up the Christmas hamper market and make it easier for shoppers to save money ahead of Christmas 2010 and onwards in any of IGA’s 1,278 supermarkets across Australia.

Introducing Smirnoff Cocktails - The Perfect Cocktail In Every Pour starstarstarstarstar   19th October 2009 - Views: 1305 Your favourite Smirnoff Cocktail can be kept in the fridge for when expected guests come over, leaving more time for you to spend with your guests.

Food And Drug Administration Expert To Deliver Keynote Address starstarstarstarstar   14th October 2009 - Views: 1077 Food And Drug Administration Expert To Deliver Keynote Address Speaking about "The Upside of a Unique Device Identification (UDI) Mandate", Crowley will outline the urgent need for traceability for medical devices and what the healthcare community needs to know to be ready.

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