Bartenders Get Ready To Beat World's Best
4th November 2010 -
Views: 1040
Thursday November 4, 2010 Bartenders get ready to beat world’s best island2island will be hosting the bi-annual Angostura Global Cocktail Challenge - Australian Final on November 8 and the contestants are getting ready to crush, shake and stir their way to the World Championships.
Bartenders Get Ready To Beat World's Best 1
1st November 2010 -
Views: 1221
The winner of the Australian competition will be given $2000 in cash and an all
expenses paid trip to Trinidad to compete in the third Angostura Global Cocktail
Challenge against nine other nations.
Arnott's Tim Tam Named After Champion Horse
1st November 2010 -
Views: 4095
As Aussies celebrate the Melbourne Cup this week, did you know that
Australia’s favourite chocolate biscuit, Arnott’s Tim Tam was named after the
horse that won the Kentucky Derby in 1958?
Cup Day Loophole Allows Alcohol Companies To Target Children
29th October 2010 -
Views: 1038
The Alcohol Policy Coalition wants to see the removal of a special exemption that allows alcohol companies to advertise during child-friendly hours this Melbourne Cup Day the race that stops the nation.
Smart Foods, Coming To A Supermarket Near You
29th October 2010 -
Views: 1075
Foods that reduce weight in the obese; packages that can tell you how fresh and nutritious its contents are; foods that can prevent disease.