International Press Releases & Articles 61 - 65 of 245

Demand For Flexible Workspace In Thailand To Rise With Challenging Economy In 2010 starstarstarstarstar   4th December 2009 - Views: 816 Demand For Flexible Workspace In Thailand To Rise With Challenging Economy In 2010 Property is the second largest fixed expense for most companies, yet recent research by CORNET suggests that as much as 50% of corporate office space goes unused at any one time.

War Crimes Charges Await Former Israeli Pm starstarstarstarstar   4th December 2009 - Views: 783 The letter refers to the UN-sponsored Goldstone report that has documented 10 particular instances of Israeli forces wilfully attacking civilians for which there was no justifiable military objective and in which they must have been aware of the civilian status of those attacked.

Refugees Find New Home starstarstarstarstar   3rd December 2009 - Views: 808 Refugees Find New Home Mr Alreemawi was inspired by a caller to his radio show “Palestine Remembered”, at Community Radio 3CR asking him to report on the deteriorating living conditions of some Palestinian Iraqis on the Iraq-Syria border.

Teda Wins 12 Consecutive Championships In Appraisal Of Investment Environment Of State-level Develop starstarstarstarstar   3rd December 2009 - Views: 781 TEDA has established itself as the largest state-level development zone with the largest export-oriented and comprehensive investment environment.

International Day Of People With Disability starstarstarstarstar   2nd December 2009 - Views: 807 International Day Of People With Disability As part of International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) on 3 December, Scope is encouraging the community to celebrate and acknowledge the achievements of people with disability and to focus on social inclusion.

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