International Press Releases & Articles 91 - 95 of 245

Worldwide Observance International Men's Day Nov 19, 2009 starstarstarstarstar   6th November 2009 - Views: 826 Men and Fathers, Men’s Groups, Fatherhood Practitioners, and Fatherhood organizations throughout our global village will observe International Men’s Day on Thursday, 19 November 2009.

Anz Continues To Fund Companies Producing Dodgy Cluster Munitions starstarstarstarstar   4th November 2009 - Views: 821 Anz Continues To Fund Companies Producing Dodgy Cluster Munitions Cluster munitions have created humanitarian problems in every conflict they have been used and have killed and maimed thousands of civilians, mostly after the conflict has ended.

President Karzai's New Government Must Deliver On Services starstarstarstarstar   4th November 2009 - Views: 793 The new Afghan government must urgently devote greater resources to building up to 6,000 new schools, training upwards of 5,000 new midwives and professionalising the police force, according to aid agencies working throughout Afghanistan.

Third Festival Of Thinkers Convenes In Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates starstarstarstarstar   3rd November 2009 - Views: 787 Third Festival Of Thinkers Convenes In Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates The opening address was given by H.E. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan, Minister for Higher Education and Scientific Research in the UAE and Chancellor of the Higher Colleges of Technology (HCT) to an audience of over 2,000.

Cambodia: World Aids Day Hiv Campaign, 'testing Millions,' To Again Launch During Cambodia's Nationa starstarstarstarstar   31st October 2009 - Views: 839 Cambodia: World Aids Day Hiv Campaign, 'testing Millions,' To Again Launch During Cambodia's Nationa As part of an ambitious global effort to test several million people for HIV in observance of the Testing Millions World AIDS Day 2009 campaign, AHF/Cambodia CARES will launch its inaugural testing effort during the annual Water Festival, which marks the end of the rainy season and is the largest festival in the Cambodian calendar.

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