Indigenous Press Releases & Articles 86 - 90 of 101

Lack Of Basic Infrastructure - A Massive Obstacle For Indigenous Australians Who Want To Die In Home starstarstarstarstar   27th May 2008 - Views: 1180 Lack Of Basic Infrastructure - A Massive Obstacle For Indigenous Australians Who Want To Die In Home These findings are from NHMRC funded research into palliative care service delivery in the Northern Territory , conducted by the International Program of Psycho - Social Health Research (IPP - SHR) at Central Queensland University (CQU).

Thousands Use National Reconciliation Week 2008 starstarstarstarstar   25th May 2008 - Views: 1149 National Reconciliation Week 2008 (27 May to 3 June) will see thousands of Australians gather in workplaces, schools, community and church halls, government agencies and sporting grounds to view a special behind-the scenes documentary about this year's Parliamentary apology to the stolen generations.

Ongoing Effort Needed To Close Aboriginal Health Gap starstarstarstarstar   14th May 2008 - Views: 1142 Ongoing Effort Needed To Close Aboriginal Health Gap The Prime Minister Kevin Rudd committed to “ensuring primary health care services and health infrastructure for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples which are capable of bridging the gap in health standards by 2018” when he signed the Indigenous Health Equality Summit Statement of Intent** in the Great Hall on 20 March along with the ‘Close the Gap’ coalition.

Falls In Indigenous Infant Mortality Rates, But Wide Disparities Still Exist starstarstarstarstar   29th April 2008 - Views: 1151 Falls In Indigenous Infant Mortality Rates, But Wide Disparities Still Exist There were significant falls in mortality rates for Indigenous babies between 1991 and 2005 in Western Australia, South Australia and the Northern Territory, the only jurisdictions for which data were available for the full period and of sufficient quality to report. There were also falls in the mortality rates of all Indigenous people in Western Australia over the same period.

Aboriginal Health Research Conference starstarstarstarstar   28th April 2008 - Views: 1203 Aboriginal Health Research Conference Closing the gap’ will need the right sort ofevidence to guide our efforts and investment. Aboriginal Health Research Conference organisers believe there is an urgent need for better quality evidence particularly in under-researched urban and regional areas.

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