Shoppers Urged To Buy Local
24th February 2009 -
Views: 870
The Grow Local SEQ Campaign aims to increase the production and consumption of locally grown food across the region.
Fi Asia-china To Feature Natural Ingredients And Health Ingredients Shows In 20
21st February 2009 -
Views: 865
The success of the 2008 show underscores an increasing interest in health and natural ingredients. By running all three ingredient shows simultaneously under one roof, organiser United Business Media (UBM) says exhibitors will benefit from unrivalled visitor numbers, while visitors will have access to an exhibitor base that is both broad and focused.
Koots Restaurant Becomes Koots Salle A Manger
11th February 2009 -
Views: 888
The French Chateau-inspired fireplace remains but all else has changed - Koots Salle Manger has emerged from its cocoon to reveal its chic new appearance.
New Toolkit Helps Food Manufacturers Save Water
27th January 2009 -
Views: 925
A practical new toolkit developed by RMIT University researchers will help food manufacturers cut their water use by identifying the processes that use the most water and the changes they can make to reduce their consumption.
Nestle Takes Artificial Colours And Flavours Out Of Smarties
20th December 2008 -
Views: 857
Nestle Australia Ltd today announced it is replacing the artificial colours
and flavours in its iconic Smarties product with ingredients derived from natural sources such
as Turmeric, Carotene and Spirulina. All existing colors, and the well loved taste, will remain.