Food Beverage Press Releases & Articles 36 - 40 of 262

Tough Times For Dairy Farmers But Some Good Signs Emerging starstarstarstarstar   8th October 2009 - Views: 797 Many Australian dairy farmers are currently operating at or below break-even levels with 95% having their farmgate price significantly reduced in 2009, a Dairy Australia survey has found.

Global Expansion Is Further Fueled As Johnny Rockets Opens Its First Restaurant In Asia starstarstarstarstar   6th October 2009 - Views: 937 Following recent franchise openings in Mexico, Germany and the Middle East, Johnny Rockets announced The Philippines as the newest Home of the Original Hamburger.

Von Muhlenen Again Successful At The 2009 World Cheese Awards starstarstarstarstar   5th October 2009 - Views: 866 Four-time World Cheese Champion von Muhlenen, a family-owned company from Fribourg, has won 15 awards at this year's World Cheese Awards, which took place in Las Palmas, Cran Canary from October 1 - 3.

Kraft Foods Announces Poll To Re-name Vegemite Isnack2.0 starstarstarstarstar   2nd October 2009 - Views: 900 Kraft Foods Australia/New Zealand will ask Australians and New Zealanders today to choose the best name for the new Vegemite.

Introducing New V8 Juice 300ml Varieties, The Simple Way To Help Achieve Your '2 And 5'. starstarstarstarstar   1st October 2009 - Views: 1025 Introducing New V8 Juice 300ml Varieties, The Simple Way To Help Achieve Your '2 And 5'. V8 has made it easy for Aussies to bridge the vegetable gap when they are out and about this summer, with the launch of the convenient new V8 300ml glass bottle range.

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