Clean Hands Saves Lives 14th October 2010 - Views: 1002 More than 3.5 million children under five die every year from diarrhoea and pneumonia-related diseases. The simple act of washing hands with soap can reduce the incidence of diarrhoeal rates among children under five by almost 50 per cent, and respiratory infections by nearly 25 percent.
Australia Ranked As World's Ninth Best Brand 1 14th October 2010 - Views: 924 The United States continues to lead the world in global image and Australia has retained its ninth position, according to GfK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications, a division of GfK Custom Research North America and Simon Anholt, the leading policy advisor.
Discussion On Potential, Prospect And Direction Of Practical Cooperation 12th October 2010 - Views: 940 Australia welcomes the discussion paper produced by Vietnam and Singapore on practical cooperation. We support the focus on the five initial areas of cooperation: Maritime Security, Counter-Terrorism, Military Medicine, Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief, and Peacekeeping Operations.
Innovative Early Intervention Toolkit Aimed At Reducing Ethnic Diabetes Rates 12th October 2010 - Views: 954 Diabetes is at epidemic proportions in Australia, and the highest rates are shown in particular ethnic groups such as those born in South East Europe, Africa and the Middle East, where hospitalisation rates are 10% higher than among Australian born.
Expert Comment On Bali Anniversary 12th October 2010 - Views: 944 Debate over the future of the site of the Sari Club continues, with a small group of survivors campaigning for the establishment of a peace park.