Julian Burnside To Mark International Day Of The Imprisoned Writer
27th October 2010 -
Views: 1296
Sydney PEN will mark the International Day of the Imprisoned Writer with a lecture by Julian
Burnside AO QC on how the freedom to write and read has changed in recent times.
Curl Named Cover Of The Year At The Maggies
27th October 2010 -
Views: 1199
The January 2010 issue of the women's surf and snow magazine, Curl, has beaten off fierce competition to be hailed as winner of The Maggies: Magazine Cover of the Year.
New Radio Services For The Bunbury Region Of Western Australia
26th October 2010 -
Views: 1171
The ACMA has also changed the category of service of a planned (but unallocated)
community radio broadcasting service at Bunbury to a high powered open
narrowcasting service.
Australia's Got Talent Auditions - Tasmania
26th October 2010 -
Views: 1906
2010 was a phenomenal year for Australia’s Got Talent with winners Justice Crew dancing their way to a $250,000 grand prize, a sold out national tour and an exclusive contract with Sony Entertainment.
Mr135-10:acma Accepts Enforceable Undertakings From Nine & Win For Dante's Cove
26th October 2010 -
Views: 1171
The Nine Network and WIN Corporation will be required to edit or reclassify all future broadcasts of the television series Dante’s Cove to comply with the provisions of the MA (Mature Audience) or AV (Adult Violence) classifications, following enforceable undertakings accepted by the Australian Communications and Media Authority.