Stars At 22nd Annual Australian Commercial Radio Awards 15th October 2010 - Views: 1018 Many of Australia's best-known radio stars and presenters will gather in Melbourne on Saturday night for the announcement of the annual gongs for the commercial radio industry - the 22nd annual Australian Commercial Radio Awards.
Co-creator Of Twitter, Dom Sagolla In Melbourne At Radio Conference 13th October 2010 - Views: 1071 The Federal Minister for Communications, Senator Conroy will open the Conference and provide the Government's view on the future of radio and the media in general.
Better Protection Proposed For Radio Astronomy Services In The Mid West 'radio Quiet Zone' 8th October 2010 - Views: 1039 The Australian Communications and Media Authority has released a public discussion paper canvassing regulatory measures to provide enhanced protection for the Mid West Radio Quiet Zone (the RQZ) located in remote Western Australia and to further support Australia’s bid for hosting the Square Kilometre Array (SKA).
Betterinvesting (naic), Pr Newswire And Muncmedia Align To Launch Interactive, Multimedia 'retail In 8th October 2010 - Views: 1424 BetterInvesting (NAIC) , PR Newswire and MUNCmedia today announced the launch of "Retail Investor Conferences" -- the first monthly virtual investor conference series created specifically to connect retail investors with publicly traded companies.
Mr119-10:ryde Community Broadcaster 2rrr Breaches Advertising Licence Condition 7th October 2010 - Views: 1032 The Australian Communication and Media Authority has found that community radio broadcaster 2RRR Ryde breached the licence conditi on that requires community broadcasters not to broadcast advertisements.