No Egg-cess Packaging This Easter!
27th March 2009 -
Views: 1224
Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, are again offering an environmentally-friendly alternative to the usual Easter eggs and chocolate this year.
Spring 2009 Uniqlo Parka Campaign, "tokyo Fashion Map-1000 Parka Styles Of Real Tokyo" On Special We
18th March 2009 -
Views: 1139
In conjunction with our Spring 2009 Parka Campaign, UNIQLO is offering an amazing 1000 styles of colorful parkas for customers to choose from.
Seafolly Protects Its Swimwear Fabric Designs
18th March 2009 -
Views: 2650
Seafolly is one of Australia’s best known fashion swimwear brands. Its swimwear is sold throughout Australia and in over 40 countries throughout the world. In recent years, Seafolly has found many companies in Australia and overseas manufacturing swimwear garments use fabrics which are copies of its original fabric designs.
No Sweat Shop Label Presents New Model Beauty Queen & Melbourne Textile Collect
4th March 2009 -
Views: 1520
“I think in the current climate, we might see a renewed focus on smaller and local labels with consumers looking for more personalised garments with a local connection.
Shop 4 Kids Autumn/winter 09 On Sale Now!
6th February 2009 -
Views: 1016
From cute keepsakes to cheap treats, this great gift guide has ideas for every budget. Better yet, this issue will bring you the cutest birthday themes to make your child's next party one to remember and party-proof outfi ts that will withstand the fun.