Da Vinci's Self-portrait, Discovered Two Years Before Piero Angela's Television Show 6th March 2009 - Views: 838 During the television program Ulysses, aired in Italy on Saturday, the 28th of February, the well-known scientific divulgator Piero Angela stated that a secret drawing, a youthful self-portrait of Leonardo da Vinci, had just been discovered.
Painting Project Space - Exhibition 2nd March 2009 - Views: 871 This installation explores the effect of working together on their imagery, forms and spaces.
Media Preview For "Culture Warriors: National Indigenous Art Triennial" 12th February 2009 - Views: 801 Ron Radford, Director, National Gallery of Australia (NGA) Brenda L Croft, exhibition curator and Senior Curator of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Art, National Gallery of Australia (NGA) Tony Ellwood, Director, Queensland Art Gallery Queensland artists represented in the exhibition.
Dataflux 0.1 - Exhibition 12th February 2009 - Views: 897 The installation merges mechanics, video object mapping, intelligent lighting and sonic triggers into one choreographed sequence, creating an engaging sensorial experience for the observer.
Agitation Free - Exhibition 3rd February 2009 - Views: 900 An investigation of the inherent conceptual similarities between three non-objective abstraction artists and their representational approaches in addressing the experience of the everyday.