Circle - Phase - Loop 4th May 2009 - Views: 864 The leitmotif of these explorations is the circle – defining our field of perception, sphere of knowledge, patterns of behaviour or the recurring challenges life delivers.
Escape From New York - Exhibition 29th April 2009 - Views: 869 Presenting a single work from each artist, as well as an open letter to the artist community affiliated with RMIT Non Objective.
"digital Originals - Is This The "killer Application" For Digital Fine Art?" 2nd April 2009 - Views: 696 ‘As artists we wish to offer plans for a new model for digital art, by which artists and collectors can buy and sell original artworks, whilst facilitating the mass distribution of art, at no cost to the viewers, thus working within the new digital reality, rather than fighting against it ’.
Apocalypse - Room Of Light 25th March 2009 - Views: 872 Apocalypse – Room of Light is an investigation of the way new technologies alters the iconographic image transference to suggest new relations with sequences of narrative that act as communication devices.
Artist Creates More Artworks Than There Are Atoms In The Universe 9th March 2009 - Views: 884 His digital work of art is made up of 64 images, a virtual homage to an off-the- shelf can of SPAM, featuring an image of Konrad Zuse, the inventor of the first working computer.