Goma Shows Picasso's Collection - First Time Outside Europe 7th June 2008 - Views: 909 For the first time outside Europe, Picasso's private collection is showing exclusively in Brisbane curated by the Director of the Picasso Museum, Paris, Anne Baldassari.
Rare And Important Chinese Sui Dynasty Stele To Be Sold At Auction June 18 6th June 2008 - Views: 889 An important Chinese Sui Dynasty brown limestone triad stele with calligraphic inscription dated 613 A.D. to be sold at auction at Dallas Auction Gallery on June 18.
Redrawing - Exhibition 26th May 2008 - Views: 948 Using contingency as both structure and technology, each artist working in Redrawing produces change in the meaning of the system in which their model originates, by the addition of their own dependency.
Animal, Vegetable, Mineral - Exhibition 19th May 2008 - Views: 948 This exhibition explores the notion of Public Art as an engagement with public values and attitudes (the ideas that inform a public practice).
Photo Exhibition Supports Burmese Refugees 14th May 2008 - Views: 965 Eli Greig, a Bachelor of Urban Planning (Honours) student, hopes to raise awareness of the refugees’ plight through the exhibition, Cultural Landscapes: Images of Asia, at the McCulloch Gallery until 26 May.